abatis|abatises in English


[ab·a·tis || 'æbətɪs]

barricade made of felled trees placed one on top of the other with their branches pointing out toward the enemy

Use "abatis|abatises" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abatis|abatises" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abatis|abatises", or refer to the context using the word "abatis|abatises" in the English Dictionary.

1. There, de Salaberry had an abatis.

2. Furthermore, the Confederates had formed dense barriers using felled trees for abatis.

3. Reinforcing obstacles include such things as entrenchments, earthworks, and abatis.

4. Rice had placed the federal forces behind breastworks, abatis and rifle pits.

5. Abatis Obstacle or barricade made of felled trees with the branches pointing outwards.

6. Abatis are used alone or in combination with wire entanglements and other obstacles.

7. Rifle volleys from behind abatis caused the Confederates to stop for the night.

8. The corps encountered the Confederates behind breastworks of cotton bales fronted by a bayou and abatis.

9. Kershaw's men charged into the abatis twice and were driven back with heavy losses.

10. Dunovant's men advanced as far as the ditch and abatis, but were driven back by heavy fire.

11. Canadian troops used abatises against an American army in the Battle of Châteauguay in October 1813, when the Americans were marching on Montréal.

12. An advance guard from Curtis's brigade used axes to cut through the palisades and abatis.

13. He took no precautions beyond strengthening his picket lines, and refused to entrench, build abatis, or push out reconnaissance patrols.

14. The Confederates were pushed off the Lee's Mill Road and back into the woods and the abatis of their defensive positions.

15. He marched his men south on the single road, clearing the obstructions of fallen timber that formed an abatis.

16. A reserve of 1 500 men were positioned behind the abatis. Most of the reserve units were assembled behind the four Canadian defence positions.

17. They engaged the British positions with small arms and cannon fire for an hour, at which point they advanced to the abatis.

18. Aasvogel aasvogels abacuses abalone abalones abasement abasements abashless abashment abashments abatement abatements abatises abature abatures abaxile abbacies abbesses abducted abductee abductees Abhorred Abhorrence Abhorrences Abhorrencies Abhorrency Abhorrent Abhorrently Abhorrer Abhorrers abjected abodement …

19. Another temporary artificial obstacle which could be built relatively quickly in the event of an attack, or to close gaps in a landwehr, was the abatis.

20. On Newton's left, his brigade under Brig. Gen. George D. Wagner attacked through dense undergrowth, but was unable to break through the abatis and fierce rifle fire.

21. At one point, the fire became so intense that the Fencibles, who had been placed in front of the abatis, withdrew to a position behind it.

22. The 3,600 French troops defeated a massive army of 16,000 British and Colonial troops by fronting their defensive positions with an extremely dense abatis.

23. The low ground between the left flank and the La Chute River was guarded by militia and marines, who had also constructed abatis to help protect their position.

24. He ordered the felling of trees to build tangled breastworks of "abatis" in the ravines where the Chateauguay met the English River, then dispersed his troops through the woods.

25. He reported to Washington "The whole country is one vast fort, and Johnston must have at least 50 miles (80 km) of connected trenches with abatis and finished batteries.